
Spirituality Writing Prompts

Posted On July 22, 2022 at 7:20 pm by / Comments Off on Spirituality Writing Prompts

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By: Anna Hallett, Director, The Writing Party (Spirituality Writing Prompts)

Spirituality Writing Prompts
Spirituality Writing Prompts

The Writing Party Inspiration Stations

If you have been to a Writing Party event, you know that we have six unique, proprietary Inspiration Stations to, well, inspire your writing. Our Inspiration Stations include: 1) Fiction Writing Starters and Prompts; 2) Storyboarding; 3) Poetry Forms and Prompts; 4) Non-fiction Starters and Prompts; 5) Frameables; and 6) References.

Big News

We have added a new Inspiration Station! We call it our Spirituality Station. The Spirituality Station includes writing prompts, prayer/inspirational thoughts starters, philosophical reflection prompts, and connection and mindfulness exercises. Our Spirituality Station is designed to help you express and reinforce your connection to your inner being, humanity, nature, and the divine through writing. It can also help encourage mindfulness, grounding you in the present.

For more tips on Spirituality and Writing, read our article “Spirituality and Writing: Connecting Within and Without”

Please Contact Us to schedule a Writing Party event in your area, for your private group, or as a corporate team building event. We are currently located in Southern California.

Sample Spirituality Writing Prompts

Here are a few sample prompts from our Spirituality Station to whet your appetite.

  • What does it mean to live a good life?
  • Does everything happen for a reason?
  • Does life always give you choices?
  • How can I be a more spiritual person?
  • How do you embrace joy?
  • Describe a time when you felt a spiritual connection.
  • Describe someone in your life who inspires you.
  • Use metaphor and simile to describe the divine.
  • Reflect on the role of God in your life.
  • They say God works in mysterious ways. How has God worked in your life?

For more writing ideas, order The Writing Party Inspirations or Contact Us to schedule a Writing Party event in your area, for your private group, or as a corporate team building event.

For information on journaling and journaling prompts, check out our article “Journaling: Why You Need to Journal”

To see other writing inspiration ideas like “Spirituality Writing Prompts,” check out The Writing Party Articles Page.

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